Welcome to Shinkiryu Bujutsu
Although there are many passages to climb the mountain, they all merge at the summit and see the same moon.
Shinkiryu Bujutsu was founded by Riichi Kitano with the wish to create harmony and peace through several Japanese martial arts such as old style karate, jujutsu, and aikido. The principles are in its use of “ki(氣),” the creating energy of the universe, and harmonizing with nature.
Students will learn not only fighting techniques but also essence of samurai culture and its wisdom.
The main focus of Shinkiryu is not to defeat opponents but rather to be one with opponents through being one with nature. To achieve that one needs to attain the total fulfillment.
Shinkiryu does not hold any competition since its aim is to cultivate one’s spirit through martial arts and martial wisdom. Through training, one will pursue the meaning of fulfillment.
New standard for peace
武(Bu) – a key to peace
Shinkiryu was founded by Riichi Kitano (his biography is below) , which demonstrates how we should live in this world mainly based on the Japanese martial arts and the philosophy cultivated in Japan for thousands years.
In Japanese martial arts are called “Bu-do” and its kanji letters are “武道.”
The first letter “武 (Bu)” means “weapons” or “arms”
so it might be easy to associate “Bu” with battles or fights.
“武” can be broken down into two parts
“戈 (Hoko),” which is “a spear” and “止(Tomeru),” which means “stop.”
Therefore, the true meaning of “Bu” is “protecting” rather than “fighting.”
We, Shinkiryu, hope for a peace for yourself, a peace for those around you,
and a peace for our world.
自然の法則 – the laws of nature
Shinkiryu was founded by Riichi Kitano (his biography is below) , which demonstrates how we should live in this world mainly based on the Japanese martial arts and the philosophy cultivated in Japan for thousands years.
Through Shinkiryu you can pursue your own “Michi(道),” which is a Japanese term meaning “a way,” if we put it simply.
Some may pursue a way of martial artists through Shinkiryu.
Some may pursue a way of teachers at school through Shinkiryu.
Some may pursue a way of parents through Shinkiryu.
What you acquire here in Shinkiryu are the laws of nature, which are applicable in all aspects of daily life, including your personal life and your professional life.