How to acquire the laws of nature

We reactivate our innate potential
In Japan we have a word "鍛える(Kitaeru)," which is usually translated into "train."
Some will think "train" is to add something up on you or gain something missing.
"鍛える" originally comes from forging Japanese swords, nihonto,
and "鍛える" used to mean "to remove impurities" from steels.
Therefore, the true meaning of "鍛える" is "omitting something extra and avoiding waste."
And this concept can be applied to us, human.
We are born with a perfectly pure heart and with a harmony balanced with nature,
which is called "素(Su)."
However, those are getting more and more stained and collapsed in our society.
In Shinkiryu, we "鍛える" ourselves and remove something unnecessary to get back to "素,"
and unleash our innate potential through some practices of the Samurai.

How to acquire the laws of nature
We mainly rely on "kata(型)," which is a pattern of movements.
"Kata" has been inherited for long years and refined after many battles.
Therefore "kata" has been optimized for living, with the result that it can play a role of teaching the laws of nature through body.
Besides, we approach to acquire the laws of nature through "waza(技)," practice of how to stand and walk and breathe properly, and so on.
What we offer
Group Lessons | Our regular course to practice together. We learn general ideas of the laws of nature and practice to embody them in group training. |
Private Lessons | Each of us has unique features so we give an opportunity to get individually customized lectures, which propels your improvement. |
Online Classes | It is important to practice and work out in person, it is also meaningful to gain knowledge about the laws of nature. We offer an opportunity of online classes so that you can learn wherever you are. |
Training Camps | It will help your rapid growth to have an a-few-days intensive training. We arrange opportunities of training camps in Sedona (Arizona), Ise (Japan), Amami Oshima Island (Japan), and Cracow (Poland). |
Enterprise Seminars | Samurai or Bushi-do philosophy and the laws of nature can contribute to successful businesses. We are providing seminars to enterprises including some big companies in Silicon Valley. |
Kappo(healing) Classes | To protect yourself and those around you, you should acquire the healing techniques as well as the armed ones. We offer "活法(Kappo)" classes so that you can heal people physically and mentally and spiritually. |
Samurai Items Sale | Samurai items such as "Nihonto(sword)," "Naginata(halberd)," "Yoroi(armor)," have an energy called "氣(ki)," which help us acquire the laws of nature. We offer those items with a good and authentic quality. |