What you learn in Shinkiryu

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Life lessons through the true “Bushi-do(武士道)”

In Shinkiryu we aim to acquire the laws of nature, while mainly relying on “Bushi-do(武士道)”
both in terms of philosophy and its martial arts techniques.

“Bushi(武士)” or “Samurai(侍)” always faced death,
with the result that their techniques and even their philosophy
had evolved into something suitable and valuable in every sense of life.

In Shinkiryu we practice applying what “Samurai” has built to this modern complicated age.

Here are some of our lessons.


Through Shinkiryu we would like everyone to pursue their own “Michi(道).”

What is “Michi?”

If we translate it into Japanese simply, “Michi” means a “way” or a “path.”
However, it means more than that.

Five elements of success

We aim to achieve success in the true meaning.

What is “Success?”
What most people seek for in this society is “success.”

However, how many of them have a specific definition of “success?”

Three viewpoints to see things

In Shinkiryu’s philosophy, we are taught it is better to follow the laws of nature in life.

However you may find it difficult to recognize the laws of nature in daily life.

Here we will introduce three important viewpoints to realize the laws of nature, in other words, to look at things.


In Japan we have a word “矛盾(Mujun)” translated in English as “contradiction.”
The first letter “矛(hoko)” means a “pike,” and the second one “盾(tate)” means a “shield.”

The reason why a “pike and a shield” means “contradiction” comes from an old story in China.

Our true potential

It is said that we have 60 trillion cells.
However not all of them are not usually working and we are unable to make them work, with the result that we cannot perform to the maximum.

The fact that we are not using all our powers is substantiated by some examples.